9 Simple Gift Ideas Minimalists Will Love

Running out of gift ideas for that minimalist loved one who is, therefore, impossible to buy for? Let’s face it, we all have at least one of those people in our social sphere. Sometimes, they’re naturally frugal so their standard response to “What do you want?” is “I don’t want anything”. Trust me, I know this because …

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3 Awesome Reasons Why You Should Dream Big

Dream big and start living the life you really want.

Dream big first, then plan. I have a confession to make. For most of my adult life, actually, no… For ALL my adult life, I’ve hated work. Yes, I know, hate is a very strong word but it’s entirely appropriate for what, I can assure you, was a very strong emotion. As you can probably …

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3 Simple Ways to Stay Positive on a Tight Budget

three simple ways to stay positive on a tight budget

A tight budget and single parenting go pretty much hand in hand. At least in my experience they do. But, that’s probably true of any household that lives on a single wage. It’s easy to start feeling down about yourself, the world and life in general when you’re watching every single penny, where it goes …

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How to Make the Most of Your Grocery Dollar

Save money on food by making the most of your grocery dollar

Making the most of your grocery dollar is not just about buying as much as you can, but buying the most nutritious food that you can. Depending on your location that can be a tough ask. Too often the foods that are not just the cheapest but the most readily available are the ones doing …

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Smart Money Secrets from the Great Depression

Smart money secrets from the great depression. Skills and knowledge that will help you save money and be more self-reliant today.

Smart Money Secrets from the Great Depression It’s easy to be lulled into believing we live in a time of great (and increasing) prosperity. And, on the surface we do appear to be living easier, more comfortable lives than our parents or grandparents. Time and labor saving devices like dishwashers and drive-thru car washes are …

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Save Money: How to make the power Pinterest work for you

Pinterest. Once you discover its delights, it quickly becomes a big part of your online world. I spend a lot of my time on Pinterest. Partly for my blog but also to learn about the topics that interest me both professionally and personally. Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest is all about information. Yes, there lots of …

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5 Quick Tips to Eat Healthy plus Save Time and Money

5 quick tips to eat healthy, plus save time and money

Eating healthy on a budget doesn’t have to be complicated. There are five basic steps that will ensure you avoid the drive through and keep more dollars in your pocket. Each and every week. And the best bit is, they are super simple to implement. Eating healthy on a budget Step 1 – Simplify your …

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Single Parents: Smart Money Habits for a Simple, Happy Life

single parents smart money habits

Living on one income can be a challenge. Living on one income and being a single parent can turn that challenge into an ever present source of stress and anxiety. Sure, the basics are the same: Track your spending Create and stick to a budget Build an emergency fund, and Work on paying off your …

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6 Simple Rules for Being More Frugal AND Loving Life

simple rules for being more frugal and loving life

Frugal living should be simple. Right? Why then do we always insist on complicating things? Too often I think we do it to appear clever or to make it seem like some sort of weird initiation rite. Like you have to earn the right to call yourself and your lifestyle “frugal”. Not to mention the …

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6 Simple Reasons Growing Your Own Food Makes Good Sense

growing your own food

  If you’ve ever considered growing your own food, or at least supplementing your weekly grocery expedition, now is the best time to start. Don’t let the absence of a backyard hold you back, or even a lack of knowledge, it’s not hard to find ways to add home grown goodness to your diet. If …

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10 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money

easy ways to reduce food waste and save money

According to World Resources Institute nearly one third of all the food produced in the world goes to waste. Some of that waste occurs at the start of the food processing cycle (at the farm or being transported from the farm) but most of that waste is perpetrated by us, the consumer. For example, we …

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The Top 5 Ways to Spend Less Money

5 ways to spend less money

Looking for ways to spend less money? Me, too! Sometimes, even your best researched plans can go awry, meaning more dollars in the expenses column and less in the revenue column. You could look at finding new ways of generating extra income but sometimes that’s just not an option. That means finding some quick and easy ways …

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