How to Build a Well Stocked Pantry

A well stocked pantry is valuable for many reasons, right? Trouble is, lots of people don’t know where to start when they decide to build their own pantry stockpile. It can be expensive and confusing. But, it doesn’t have to be. Let me show you how to build your pantry stockpile. Plus, why you need to have …

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How to Cope With an Unexpected or Forced Retirement

how to cope with forced retirement

Coping With an Unexpected or Forced Retirement For some, it begins with a conversation with a boss who seems unusually cheerful as he or she highlights the benefits of leaving the company now. For others, it’s the culmination of months or years of fighting to be seen as relevant. No matter how it happens, though, …

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10 Easy Ways to Save $1000 For Your Rainy Day Fund

Rainy Day Fund | $1000 can seem like a lot of money. Break it down and it's a lot less daunting. $3 a day = $1000+ per year. Grab a jar and start saving!

Everyone needs a rainy day fund. A rainy day fund isn’t an planning-for-the-apocalypse type emergency fund. Although, we all need to be working on one of those, too. A rainy day fund is for less catastrophic circumstances. For instance, an out of town wedding you forgot to plan for or a plumbing emergency. Your rainy day …

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Emergency Planning for Solopreneurs – What You Need To Know

emergency planning for solopreneurs

Emergency Planning. It’s not all about bunkers, canned food and the zombie apocalypse. Emergency planning also means considering a number of what if scenarios and applying them to your own situation, especially if you’re a solopreneur. Not sure what I mean? Picture this: You’re an online seller, you get sick or have an accident and …

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Your DIY Food Bank – Insurance you can eat!

your diy food bank

A DIY food bank. It’s insurance you can eat! For most of human history, the insurance of choice has always been stored food. It didn’t matter what part of the world you lived in, there was a food preservation technique ideal for the food and the climate. That stockpile of food often meant the difference …

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13 Reasons Why You Need An Emergency Fund

reasons you need an emergency fund

Got a secure job and don’t think you need an emergency fund? Here are 13 reasons why you might want to rethink that position. According to Pew Charitable Trust’s The Precarious State of Family Balance Sheets (Jan, 2015) “The typical household at the bottom has access to less than two weeks’ worth of income in checking and …

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5 Risks to Your Financial Well-Being

5 risks to your financial well-being

Assessing your vulnerability to risk is a relatively quick and simple process. Determining how to build resilience into your lifestyle so you can either reduce the risk or lessen its impact, is a little trickier. The topsy-turvy economy has got me thinking about the potential risks to my financial well-being. A lot. One of the key …

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Five Savings Goals that will Change Your Life

5 savings goals that will change your life

Struggling to take that first step to financial freedom? If you are, don’t despair. Read on to see how these five savings goals will change your life. The big question most of us struggle with is this: Which should you do first; save for the future or pay for the past? I think you need to do a …

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