My year in review: blogs, business and other stuff.
They say life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. If that’s true, then this is the year my life truly began.
There have been many different detours beyond the edge of my comfort zone and each one has forced me to push past my own fear and doubt. It hasn’t been easy. It has been valuable.
Sometimes you choose to take the scenic route and explore beyond your comfort zone. Sometimes, you take a wrong turn and find yourself in uncharted territory. My year has included journeys to both realms.
Table of Contents
Blogs, Business and Other Stuff
This blog is my chosen journey beyond the borders of my comfort zone. There was a little hiccup in the beginning which required a relaunch in February 2015 but, on the whole, this blog has taught me more about creating an online presence in a single year than I’ve learned in the previous 10 years.
I also run an online business (party supplies) on two platforms; Etsy and eBay. The last 12 months has seen one of those platforms push me well past the boundaries of my financial comfort zone by (it appears) starving my store of traffic. No traffic = no sales. I wont deny it, it’s been very tough. My income went from a comfortable flow to a meandering trickle. If ever there was an example of why everyone needs an emergency fund, this was it. It was a serious curve ball and I’m thankful I had an emergency fund and a well stocked pantry.
As I mentioned in this post, it was my intention to completely wind up the business and move on. But… just recently, I had an epiphany. I could use what I’ve learned from starting this blog and apply it to my online business. So, in the new year, I’ll be relaunching my online retail business via it’s own Wordpress website.
It’s a leap of faith, true, but it will give me the control I lack on managed platforms. Using a site gives me the flexibility to build other income streams into the site, too. The only possible downside I can see is; it also means I’ll be responsible for… well… everything… I guess that’s what you get when you choose to walk your own path. I’m confident it will be worth the effort. Stay tuned for updates.
Sometimes LESS gets you MORE
One of the most important things I’ve come to understand, on an almost cellular level, is that less gets you more. The fewer things you focus on, the more you achieve. The less stress you have in your life, the more you can relax and enjoy it. The less commitments you agree to, the more impact you can have. I’ve come to understand these realisations with the help of a little book called The Power of Less by Leo Babauta. As usual, I borrowed it from my local library (three times)… but, this is a book I will invest in so I can have it nearby at all times.
The Power of Less helped me clarify my goals and condense them into one ultimate goal. It’s made a huge difference to the way I look at my blog (soon to be blogs) and business. And, the way I approach my work day. I’m confident this new approach will have significant impact on my achievements, too.
Other Stuff…
This year of challenges and journeys beyond my comfort zone has provided many opportunities to appreciate the simple things in life: supportive and loving friends and family, good health and an abundant garden. Anything that helps you embrace gratitude has to be good, right?
Top 5 posts for 2015
Here are the most popular posts on Smart Money, Simple Life for 2015. If you haven’t read them yet, check them out now.
What’s next?
2016 will be a busy year. That’s a given. It will also be a year of achievement. This year of trials and tribulations has forced me to determine what truly matters, to me. That realisation has provided the inspiration for my 2016 mantra: Believe and Achieve.
I’ve set some big goals for myself and the way I earn my living. I will need to believe; heart, mind and soul that I can achieve those goals.
I intend to make my living by providing the tools to inspire life changing achievements for you (and me). If life truly does begin at the edge of your comfort zone, then let’s take that journey together!
Finally, thank you for taking the time out of your own busy lives to read, comment on and share the information in my humble blog.
Wishing you all a fantastic 2016.
Believe and achieve!
Image: Unsplash
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